As you can see from the pictures, this Amish food stand is selling more than just root beer now. On the side shelf they are selling jams and jellies and apple butter, these appear to be made by other folks. But of course their flag ship product "root beer" is still made by this Amish family, and also potato chips and bread.Root beer has been around for hundreds of years, so its really very hard to pin point who really invented it. But the person whose credited for making it on a mass produced level would be pharmacist Charles E Hires. After experimenting with various ingredients Mr hires came-up with his own version of root beer in 1876 in Philadelphia. His root beer is known as "Hires root beer" and is sold world wide to root beer lovers everywhere. Richard from Amish stories. source: Hires root beer. Now for the recipe called........... Quick Root Beer
Use some hot water to dissolve sugar. Put in jars. Cover and set in sun for 4 hours. Chill before serving. Ready to serve next day. 2 cups white sugar
1 gallon lukewarm water
3 teaspoons root beer extract
1 teaspoon dry yeast
And thanks to the folks at for this root beer recipe.To order this book "Cooking with the Horse & Buggy People." please visit ther web site. Richard from Amish stories. A photography blog based in Pennsylvania featuring images of country living and classic American cars, along with Amish life.
I've created this website out of my own interest in the Amish/Mennonite culture and of living in the country. Its a place for people who are interested in the Amish like myself, and its also a place to share Images of the beautiful country side that is all around me. my name is Richard, and I live very close to an Amish settlement here in Pennsylvania. This site is dedicated to my mother, who had started all of this by taking me as a child to Lancaster,pa from our apartment in the Bronx projects..........THANK YOU MOM............... Richard