We went down state to help the Melvin Hershberger family. Previously we were going to the Millers residence, but we got a call and asked if we could come down to Hershberger's. These are some of the families that were in the accident that David went to with the Fire Department. Several of the Amish and Mennonites were going down so we got a van driver and went together. The Hershberger's were the family where Melvin and Eva went (died) in the accident and left twelve children behind. A husband and wife of their family from out of state were selling their property and coming to New York State to care for the children. When we arrived, the men handled the outside and the ladies took care of the inside and garden. Everyone including some of the children helped. At the time of this trip, we brought Susan, and Baby David with us. Susan followed us ladies. Baby David was taken in the arms of a lady whose job was to keep an eye on all the children. She was grandmother age - you could tell she loved all the children. Susan and I were asked to work in the garden along with a couple other ladies. We pulled the ripe vegetables and Also, we pulled the weeds out. We got done just as the ladies were bringing around coffee, tea, lemonade, ice tea along with donuts and coffee cake. We sat on the porch and enjoyed them. In the house ladies were doing washing, cleaning and cooking. When Susan and I went inside I was asked if I could ask David to come in and do some jobs in the house-replacing a cracked window, checking the chimney's, etc. David did come in and do all the jobs plus a couple more he found. We ladies made the lunch. Then the men were working outside doing painting, harvesting crops, taking care of the horses and cows and more. All of us wanted this farm so the people could just move in and take over. In the afternoon we continued cleaning, canning, did some in- house painting and more. As we collected our children to go home, we felt we had accomplished all that we were here to do. I am not sure if the family has arrived yet, but they would like to have us all back for a dinner to thank all the people for what we had done. The second place we went to help was in Savannah and South Butler in New York State. Michael was with us along with a couple of Martha's sons came along too. As before Mennonites and Amish were going to we hired a van driver again. All us ladies brought a dish with us so when we got there the Red Cross was there so we added our food to theirs. The men went to work on houses, cutting up down trees and more. Some of the ladies went to help clean, pack furniture for storage, clean and also more. I was assigned with the food table. We went around into the morning and afternoon with beverages and snacks. At lunch we had a great meal for all the workers. What was funny as there were three Jean's working at the food. Michael called Jean and all three answered so we decided he had to call me something else - and he decided on Mom Jean. He also started calling David Dad David. He still uses on both us. Anyway Michael wanted me taste a ladies sugar cookies - he said they were great. I didn't get to them right away as I was dishing out food. After a while David came by and asked me if I had one of the sugar cookies and I hadn't so he went and got me one. I have made lots of sugar cookies both for home and the bake sales, and never got a complaint-but these were better i must admit. Seeing who made that is a problem when you have lots of women there and they all were asking who made them. Michael came to ask me something and I told him we were trying to figure out who bought the sugar cookies he liked so well. So Michael picked up the dish and yelled who made these cookies,lol. I wouldn't have done that-but it worked. An Amish lady came forward and said they were hers. She gave me the recipe from memory. I explained to her about Amish Stories and asked her if I could put it on here. I don't think she understood computers-but she said she would trust me that it was going to be good and tasteful, and i told her it was. These cookies are delicate and great tasting. I have since made these for the bake sale and have had lots of compliments. I hope you do too.Be with God. Jean
www.PureCountryLiving.com: A photography blog based in Pennsylvania featuring images of country living and classic American cars, along with Amish life.

I've created this website out of my own interest in the Amish/Mennonite culture and of living in the country. Its a place for people who are interested in the Amish like myself, and its also a place to share Images of the beautiful country side that is all around me. my name is Richard, and I live very close to an Amish settlement here in Pennsylvania. This site is dedicated to my mother, who had started all of this by taking me as a child to Lancaster,pa from our apartment in the Bronx projects..........THANK YOU MOM............... Richard