As the Old Order Mennonite do not discuss this out in the open like us Englishes do-Jean asked me to explain why she was in the hospital so I will try to do this as tactful as I can. Jean was with child (pregnant) and was a few months a long when she had a miscarriage. The Old Order Mennonites have funeral for what comes from the miscarriage-they believe this is a child no matter how small-even if a child has not formed yet. After her previous pregnancies with Susan and Baby David, Jean had some female problems. When she had the miscarriage these problems were worse and the doctors suggested she have a hysterectomy, but she wanted to put off until after Easter. After Easter she still didn't want to do it. Finally the night that she went to the hospital happened and she had the operation. She went to bleed and started bleeding. David thought she was bleeding to death and called the ambulance. He said later, it wasn't as bad as he thought it was, but when he saw it-he sure thought it was. Marilyn.
Jean Starts:
I went to bed that night with no problems-just like I did every night. During the night I got several back pain and stomach pain. I was starting to get out of bed and pulled the sheets back when David saw the situation. He told me to stay in bed and called the ambulance. As my parents were in Pennsylvania at the time visiting relatives-he called his parents. I started to feel faint and remember all parts of going to the hospital and David the rest. The ambulance came and David's parents came. After the ambulance medics looking me over they decided I was going to the hospital and David's Mother rode with me. We still have Susan, David Jr in bed and Michael was up. We felt that some other guardian should be there with them at that time. I later found that David called Martha and she came over to watch the children so David could go to the hospital. In the ambulance I knew what they would do to me at the hospital. I cried and told my mother-in-law that I wouldn't be able to have anymore children. She said David and I could adopt. Not only that she had only one child and that was my husband David. I said something about if we adopted we could never get another child like Michael. I remember David's mother laughing and said whether you have natural children or adopt-no two children are exactly alike. That's the last I remember until the next day. David told me that I had an operation and what it was. I don't remember but he said I cried. I remember Marilyn coming to take David and Michael home later in the day and I told her that I wanted to go to a rummage sale we had talked about. She said we had two weeks before the sale.
When I came around the second day I was in a semi-private room, but no one was with me. David was there after his chores. Michael and Susan were at school and Martha was taking care of David Jr. My in-laws came for a while and then went to our house so Martha could come to visit me. Martha and Joseph came to visit. I wanted her to put my hair up so I could put my kap on. She did, but it wasn't very comfortable to lay on all day-so she took it down and put my kap on me. When the nurses came in to walk me around the room-the nurse took one side and David the other. Once walking they let me go and stood right by me put I could walk alone. When it was time to return to bed, Martha asked everyone to step outside and changed me from hospital gowns to one of mine from home. She had also brought slippers and a gown.
The hospital was very nice during out stay. The doctors and nurses were very kind. I got food at the hospital plus people brought things in. At the house Martha took over and saw that David, David Jr., Susan and Michael ate well. When my parents returned from Pennsylvania, after seeing me, my Mother took over at the house. The only thing that upset me was my Father wanted to know how we were going too pay the hospital bill after the fire we had at our house. He wanted the hospital to release me early to reduce the bill, but David said no. When it came time to go home, David took me to his parents home. My grandparents (my Dad's parents) rent the other house there. My mother-in-law and grandmother cooked my favorite foods, took care of me and I felt I was being treated like a queen. When my grandmother heard my Father getting upset about the bills-she put a stop to him. Even though my Father is in his 50's, she is still his Mother and what she says ends arguments. David and I have money set aside for hospital bills.
The deacon from our church was at the hospital and said if there was any problem with the bills to let him know. The deacons did give us some money when we had the kitchen repaired. We did not ask for it-but they gave it-you do not turn them done. We also have a Mennonite Insurance that is among the Mennonites that you pay a large deductible and they pay the rest. We pay so much into it every year. The deductible was paid so they will take the rest. As far as the ambulance it was our local ambulance and David works for the Fire Department and ambulance. The ambulance and fire department is volunteer. As David volunteers there the bill will be lower than a normal ambulance bill.
I am home. David has hired a Maude (maid) to help around the home. I do as much as I kind before David makes me stop. He doesn't want to over work me. Marilyn, my mother-in-law and I went to the rummage sale I wanted to go to. We are planning on going to another next week. We were in the car with the heat on until the doors opened and then I was whisked in. Marilyn went out and warmed the car before she would let me come into it. As much as I love my family and home-it was so nice to get out of the house for a few hours. I am getting strength and getting better every day. Be With God,Jean
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Mennonite Meat Balls (Fleischbolle) recipe3/4 pound ground pork3/4 pound ground beef 1 onion, chopped finely Salt and pepper 3/4 cup rice, soaked in water 2 eggs 1 cup breadcrumbs 1 cup catsup or tomato sauce Mix all but the catsup and form into balls; brown balls in a pan, put in an oven dish and cover with blended catsup and 1 quart of boiling water. Let simmer in oven for 3 to 4 hours, making sure the balls haven't gone dry. Recipe from |