If you could get a written book by someone who was Old Order Mennonite that would be the best, but still there are other book's that are good. If you live in an area where you could go visit the Old Order Mennonite area, I would highly suggest that. It's late in the year for fruit stands, but maybe someone is selling quilts, buggies, wood items, etc. in their home - stop and talk with them. It would be nice if you at least looked at what they were selling.
If there are a lot of Old Order Mennonites in an area, there is usually a General Store that one family owns. If you come across an Old Order Mennonite General Store you could get more information there-most of the Old Order Mennonites come there to do shopping. If they are not too busy and talk with them, they will probably tell you anything you ask. Should you hit it on a busy day-ask a customer they should help you. If you run into people about your own age-they would be great help, too.
if you do not live near an Old Order Mennonite area, I would suggest putting an add in the Budget explaining that you were considering joining Old Order Mennonite and you would like to work on their farm. You might want to offer to pay something, too, but I don't think they'll take it. You might have to run it a few times before someone answers, but I think someone would. Tell them you are a man, and put in your age.
Right now farming is slow so it might be better to run in the Spring. Willing to work would means a lot because many of us farmers are looking for extra workers during the Spring and Summer.Advertise you will need boarding and meals. They might even pay you, too. Also, they might ask for references-maybe a deacon from your meeting (church), place you worked, etc. Lately if we don't know someone or they aren't sent by someone we know, we usually ask for references. It's sad, but we have to be careful today, especially if we have children.
A short video of clips from Canada's old order Mennonite community.
Old Order Mennonite have electric and telephones but you might want to start seeing if you can do without the television, computer, radio, car and more. I would try one thing at a time. It will give you an idea if you are able to do without some of these items.
My other advice is don't listen to people that tell you can't do it. When I joined I had people both English (which I was before I joined Old Order Mennonite) and Old Order Mennonite tell me I wouldn't be able to give up all of the Old World. Two things that helped me are that I loved Joseph and the Old Order Mennonite-plus I met Jean and she encouraged me.
Joseph and I have been married for 15 years and there are still some people who aren't sure I am going to stay. I wouldn't leave. Even if something happened to Joseph and he went to be with the Lord-I wouldn't leave. I am Old Order Mennonite and believe I am in the right religion-the place God wants me to be. I couldn't go back to the Old World again. Trust in God, Martha
Canadian Mennonite Plum Custard Kuchen recipe
A tea-biscuit base with neat rows of plums surrounded by custard - this is a delicious dessert.
1 1/3 cups flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
1/3 cup margarine or shortening
1 egg, beaten
1 cup milk
Plums, pitted and halved
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 beaten egg
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup buttermilk or yogurt
1/3 cup sugar
Sift together flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Cut in margarine. Beat egg and milk and stir into mixture. Pat the dough over the bottom of a 9-inch cake pan. Arrange nicely in rows enough pitted plums to completely cover the dough. Sprinkle topping over the plums. Bake at 400 degrees F for 15 minutes.
Recipe from www.Recipegoldmine.com
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To read Martha's very first post on why she left our world and became old order Mennonite just click this link: http://amishstorys1.blogspot.com/2011/07/martha-story-of-young-womans-journey.html |